COMPLANT held its 2018 Annual General Meeting at Beijing

日期: 2018-07-18


On January 19, 2018, the 2018 Annual General Meeting was held at COMPLANT headquarter in Beijing. Ms. Liu Yan, chairman and CPC party secretary of COMPLANT, conveyed the message of SDIC Group’s 2018 working conference to all the participants of the meeting. On behalf of the party committee of the company, Ms. Liu also delivered the annual work reports on both party building and improving the party’s work style and building clean government. On behalf of the company's leadership team, General Manager Gu Haitao made a work report entitled "New Journey, New Goals, New Actions", comprehensively summed up the work of COMPLANT in 2017, analyzed the business situation faced by the company, and deployed the work in 2018. Mr. Qian Meng, member of the party group and vice president of the SDIC Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, fully affirming the reform and development work of COMPLANT in 2017, and put forward requirements for doing a good job in 2018. The conference also recognized the annual award-winning groups and individuals.

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