The Eighth and Ninth Round of Seminar on China-Aided Projects for Officers-In-Charge Successfully Held

日期: 2010-08-25


Commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce of China, Complant organized the eighth and ninth round of Seminar on China-Aided Projects for Officers-In-Charge. 37 officers from 18 French-speaking African countries and 27 officers from 15 English-speaking countries participated in the seminars.

The seminars helped 64 officers gain direct access to China’s foreign aid policies and the operation patterns of china-aided projects. As a result, these seminars will promote China-aided projects in African in the future.

Up to now, Complant has successfully held 14 rounds of training courses, including 9 rounds of Seminar on China-Aided Projects for Officers-In-Charge with 403 trainees coming from 82 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Caribbean area and South Pacific region.

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