General Manager Gu Haitao chaired COMPLANT Ethiopian Branch working conference

日期: 2016-06-05


On June 5th, 2016, Mr. Gu Haitao, General Manager of COMPLANT Group chaired a working conference and hear the reports.

Mr. Gu Haitao affirmed the works of Ethiopian Branch and concluded that considering the history of COMPLANT’s Ethiopian management team development, Ethiopian Branch as a management institution working as a branch, has basically taken shape. Ethiopian Branch already made certain progress on management structure establishment, perfecting system and etc. In the future, Ethiopian Branch shall implement regulatory management and focus on project implementation which is the priority work of Ethiopian Branch. At the same time, Mr. Gu Haitao also raised specific requirements on Ethiopian Branch’s works in next.

At last, Mr. Gu Haitao representing headquarter, and domestic colleagues expressed kind regards of Dragon Boat’s Festive to staffs working aboard and delivered several books to enrich expatriate employee’s life in spare times.

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