Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Zhang Xiangchen visited COMPLANT’s Ethiopian Representative Office

日期: 2016-06-22


June 18, 2016, Mr. Zhang Xiangchen, Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce visited COMPLANT’s Ethiopian Representative Office. Mr. Zhang Xiangchen’s delegation visited Chinese Foreign Aid Experts Guest House and Machinery Management Office where COMPLANT Ethiopian representative office located and learned the history of these offices and COMPLANT’s activities and project implementation condition in Ethiopian market.

Mr. Zhang Xiangchen, affirmed COMPLANT’s contribution to Chinese foreign assistance and current project implementation in Ethiopia, and also expressed his support for COMPLANT’s plan to establish a training center in Ethiopia representative office. He says, technical and management personal are high needed in Ethiopia market and there is a great potential for training market. COMPLANT shall carry out the preliminary works soon and Ministry of Commerce will provide active support to this project.

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