Chairman Liu Xueyi Met with the Delegation Led by Chairman of Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group

日期: 2015-09-25


On September 22, 2015, Chairman Liu Xueyi met with the delegation led by Chairman of Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group (hereinafter referred to as AFECC) Mr. Jiang Qingde at COMPLANT Mansion, other relevant leaders of COMPLANT also attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Chairman Liu Xueyi introduced to guests the recent developments of COMPLANT and the reforming and developing ideas in the next step. Mr. Jiang Qingde expressed that AFECC had maintained close cooperation with COMPLANT in the past years and deeply appreciated the great support from COMPLANT Group in the developing process. Besides, Mr. Jiang indicated the willingness to deepen cooperation with COMPLANT and bring into play the advantage of each in the future. Chairman Liu Xueyi said AFECC was a long-term partner of COMPLANT. With the development of the Belt and Road construction and the deepening of reform of central SOEs, numerous opportunities has arisen to expand the way of thinking and deepen cooperation, which he hoped could bring new development for both and thus achieving mutual benefit and win-win outcome.

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