Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company’s ERP system went live successfully

日期: 2014-01-13


After five months of hard work and with the guidance and assistance from State Development and Investment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as SDIC), the ERP project team successfully completed the go-live procedure for Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company’s ERP system on January 13, 2014. Currently, the system is undergoing trial run.

Led by COMPLANT Group, Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company’s ERP project was launched in September last year after comprehensive research and analysis based on SDIC’s successful experience in information system construction. The purpose of implementing the ERP system is to standardize accounting procedures, consolidate enterprise assets and strengthen basic management. The launching of this project marks COMPLANT’ s first step towards information system construction for its overseas projects.

The project team consists of personnel from SDIC, COMPLANT Group, COMPLANT International Sugar Industry Company Ltd, Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company and Datang Software. The deployment of the ERP project includes General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Assets, Cost, Purchasing, Inventory and Sales, etc. Also, additional modules such as field management and cane harvesting and haulage management were tailor-made based on Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company’s needs so as to ensure that the system satisfies the operational requirements of the Company.

During the four-month deployment period, the project went through system research and analysis, module design, system building, going-live and system switch, etc. Through careful planning and thorough arrangement, the project team worked hard and ensured that the system went live according to schedule after overcoming difficulties such as language barriers, cultural difference, long-distance coordination, inadequate technical support at the location of the project, lack of basic data, poor inventory control, repetitive coding of materials, technical issues regarding the splitting of fixed assets, etc.

With the ERP project going live, Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company is able to centralize the control of its Accounts department and realize field accounting, satisfy the requirements of both international and Chinese accounting standards, generate three kinds of accounting reports according to local, Hongkong and Chinese mainland rules, standardize and implement management concept, realize on-line document flow and electronic workflow approval for procurement and sales, inventory control, payment and revenue collection. The system adopted a flex field combination accounting mode among eight sections to achieve multi-dimension and three-dimension analysis and accounting for agricultural cost, industrial cost and biological asset value.

According to COMPLANT’s overall information construction development blueprint, Pan-Caribbean Sugar Company’s ERP project will be the model and pilot project for developing informatisation management for its overseas projects. Based on this project, we will explore ways to integrate and manage global resources, improve management through information system, realize delicacy management under the guideline of COMPLANT’s reform concept, and continuously raise the competitiveness of our Company.

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