President Gu Haitao Meet Delegation Led by Chairman of HK Reorient Group

日期: 2013-12-04


President Gu Haitao met, in the COMPLANT Mansion, a delegation led by Mr. Gao Zhenshun, Chairman of HK Reorient Group and DVN (Holdings) Limited on the afternoon of Dec. 4, 2013.

Mr. Gu welcomed the delegation’s visit, and briefed the delegation on COMPLANT’s development history, organization structure, overseas business and major projects. Mr. Gao Zhenshun expressed gratitude to COMPLANT’s hospitability. He said that DVN acquired FSL recently for the purpose to target African countries as its major markets and extend its business in securities and logistics. He hoped to see more exchanges and cooperation with COMPLANT in future.

Surrounded in exciting and friendly atmosphere, both parties made deep exchanges on topics concerned by both parties, such as general contracting, sugar production and operation, industrial investment and overseas logistics, and exchanged full views on fields in which both parties could have chances for cooperation. Both parties showed active attitudes and seriousness in finding cooperation opportunities, joining to develop the African markets, catching investment opportunities and achieving win-win and mutual benefits.

Attendees to the meeting included Mr. Han Hong, GM of COMPLANT Sugar, Mr. Zhang Hui, GM of COMPLANT Ltd., Mr. Wang Wanlin, GM of COMPLANT Trans, as well as heads of COMPLANT’s Administration Office and Strategic Development Dept.

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