Chairman Liu Xueyi Meet Cuba’s Deputy Minister of Culture

日期: 2013-11-18


Chairman Liu Xueyi met, in the COMPLANT Mansion, a Cuba delegation led by Mr. Julio, Deputy Culture Minister of Cuba, at 10 A.M. on Nov. 18, 2013.

Chairman Liu welcomed the Minister and expressed gratitude for his strong supports in our group’s trade with Cuba for all these years. Mr. Julio spoke highly of long-term and close relationship between COMPLANT and Cuba’s Ministry of Culture. He said that many new markets and more investment opportunities are emerging with the deepening of Cuban economy system reform. He hoped that cooperation in the culture industry will go on between COMPLANT and Cuba, and he would like to offer help and supports in COMPLANT’s business development in surrounding countries as Venezuela. Both parties exchanges views on infrastructure constructions for the culture industry in Cuba and its surrounding countries.

Attendees to the meeting included Mr. Zhang Hui, GM of COMPLANT Ltd., and other related personnel.

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