COMPLANT Held Export Credit Insurance Training Meeting

日期: 2013-10-27


At the invitation of COMPLANT, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “SINOSURE”) delivered a lecture on Export Credit Insurance at COMPLANT headquarters. Mr. Duan Wenwu, Vice President of COMPLANT, Mr. Wang Hong and Mr. Fu Xiangjun, General and Deputy General Manager of Business Department Three of SINOSURE, together with over 80 staff from COMPLANT Group and subsidies attended the meeting.

Mr. Duan welcomed SINOSURE team, and expressed his gratitude to SINOSURE for its constant support and assistance. The SINOSURE side briefed cooperation between SINOSURE and COMPLANT, and gave a detailed introduction of its relevant product portfolio.

Mr. Duan asked all COMPLANT subsidiaries carefully review potential risks in their business scope, and take active prevention measures to reduce negative impact of the risks.

This training has deepened the staff’s understanding on SINOSURE relevant service, playing an active role in raising overseas risk awareness, promoting business development as well as strengthening cooperation with SINOSURE.

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