Chinese Ambassador in Jamaica Inspected Jamaica Cricket Ground and Affordable Housing Projects

日期: 2013-10-26


On October 26th, 2013, H.E. Dong Xiaojun, Chinese Ambassador in Jamaica, together with Chinese Commercial Counselor and Chief of Political Affairs Office, inspected the completed Jamaica Cricket Ground Project and Affordable Housing Project under the implementation of COMPLANT.

During the inspection, Ambassador Dong learned implementation details of Cricket Ground Project. Deeply impressed by Jamaica Cricket Ground Project and Montego Bay Convention Center he visited, he appreciated that those two projects have fully demonstrated the first-class design and construction, and become monuments of Chinese foreign-aided undertaking.

During Ambassador Dong’s visit in Jamaica Affordable Housing Project, he expressed his regards to the staff there and encouraged them to make persistent efforts and reach new heights. He also assured that Chinese embassy will offer excellent service to the Chinese enterprises as always.

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