Uganda Wandegeya Market Project Witnessed Completion and Delivery

日期: 2013-07-31


Wandegeya Market Project implemented in the name of COMPLANT Group was successful completed and delivered within schedule as per the contract on October 7th, 2013. The project, whose total contract value reaching 8 million US Dollars, officially started on October 5th, 2011 and was scheduled to be completed within two years time. During the implementation, thanks to the great concern given by Uganda authority and local media, the project was completed within schedule and with quality despite of the limited construction area and complicated construction conditions. It is the only project completed within scheduled period among the seven market projects awarded at the same period, gaining high appreciation and recognition from the project owner (Ministry of Local Government, Uganda ) and the architect team.

H.E. Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Republic of Uganda, attended the completion and delivery ceremony, and highly appreciated the project in his public speech during the event, further distinguishing COMPLANT in Uganda housing market.

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