Minister of Finance and Minister of Industries of Government of Bangladesh Inspected Site of Bangladesh Shahjalal Urea Fertilizer Project Under the Implementation of COMPLANT Ltd.

日期: 2013-07-26


A working team led by Mr. Abul Maal A Muhith, Bangladesh Minister of Finance, and Mr. Dilip Barua, Bangladesh Minister of Industries inspected the site of Bangladesh Shahjalal Urea Fertilizer Project under the implementation of COMPLANT Ltd. Chairman of the project owner, i.e. Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation, and Mr. Ma Zheng, Project Manager from COMPLANT Ltd. accompanied the team during inspection.

The working team firstly inspected the construction status of single buildings in the main construction area at the site, and then listened to the project manager’s introduction on overall project status, implementation progress, quality controls, etc, with which the working team was very satisfied. After the site inspection, the working team attended the local assembly, during which, the ministers made a statement, expressing the willingness to greatly support the project implementation. They emphasized that the successful implementation of the project will be of great strategic significance to Bangladesh who is in urgent need of fertilizer, and spoke highly of the Chinese contractor for their arduous efforts and dedication.

Bangladesh national television and other media widely covered the inspection.

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